Hast du Angst vor dem Boden? 2024
collaboration with Walker Tufts
installation and performance; unfired clay, ceramic, video loops 26:56 min, 02:12 min, 04:13 min, 03:20min, soundpiece 19:34 min,
Installation at Forum Stadtpark Graz
What is dirt and what do we do with it?
We discovered a shared interest in dirt, rocks and soil when we met in Graz, Austria for our Styrian Artist in Residence Scholarship.
Since then we have gone in search of people and places.
We visited clay pits, farmers, scientists, gardens, piles of earth, caves and artists.
As a ceramic artist, soil/clay is the material I build and work with.
But what does it mean for people who work with soil in other ways?
How do they think about it?
The result is ceramics, videos, an audio piece out of the interviews and a soilsurvey with 25 questions about soil, earth, climate crisis and homeland.
Have you ever thought about what´s exactly underneath you?
Installationview at Forum Stadtpark Graz
© Petter Hutter
© Petter Hutter
Claypit Mataschen
Research Archive Johanneum